WAFBEC 2019 (Day 5) – Afternoon session 1 with Pastor Bill Winston

It was great to have Dr. Bill Winston teach once more, at the West African Believer’s Convention.

He started by reading from the amplified version of Hebrews 11: 1. He said that faith is the only way you can live in the kingdom of God.

Reading from Mark 11:12-14, he admonished the congregation not to use the mind to receive the word of God.“The Spirit of God should lead a Christian and not his or her mind’, he added.

He spoke about unbelief and intellectualism and how these two factors is affecting Christians.

He shared a story about a man who paid off his debts simply by speaking to his bill and making declarations.

According to him, “99% of the miracles which Jesus did was done by words. We live in a world that is ruled by words and you have the words”.

He shared various scriptures while teaching on the subject of faith.

John 10:8-9, Luke 5:5-9, Romans 10:6-11, Mark 5:28 (AMP), Mark 5:28-34, Luke 1:44-45, Psalm 107:20.

Throughout his teaching, he kept stressing on the need to believe God and His word. In 2 Chronicles 20:20, he shared how that God gave the word to the prophet and asked him to teach his people.

He encouraged the people by saying, “I am going to tell you some truths this week, and your part is to believe it. If you do, you shall see a performance of what you believe.”

According to him in Numbers 23:19, the man of God said, “You do not have to make it good. Your job is to believe it. Don’t try to figure out the word of God”.

1 Chronicles 22:5,14 and Matthew 28:17, Ecclesiastes 10:5-7.

Below are three sources, which he shared, to getting the result from what you believe in the word.

Reading Mark 4:14, 26-29, he explained that everything you need in this earth is already laid out for you. The seed is the word of God, and nothing can stop its manifestation if you plant it in faith.

Genesis 1:14, Psalm 8:3-6, 2 Kings 7:1

“It is time for the Church to stop struggling for everything that they have. If you do not understand faith, you will be forced to work by the dictates of time. Whatever faith says, time bows”, he said while closing the meeting that afternoon. Finally, he asked everyone to make the following declarations:

Father in the name of Jesus, I have heard the word of faith. You sent your man of God and he has spoken the word.

I believe it, I receive it and I will manifest my inheritance. From this day forward there will be no struggle in my life.

All struggle is gone. I am going to live like I am on vacation, 365 days a year, just like in the Garden of Eden.

Whatever I touch will grow. Whatever I speak will come to pass.

This is my season. This time next year, my life will be totally different than it is right now.

I am getting another breakthrough in Jesus name. Amen.

To listen more on this topic of Faith, check out for the full message. WAFBEC DAY 5 AFTERNOON SESSION 1