WAFBEC 2019 (Day 4) Morning Session 2 With Pastor Andy Osakwe

While he prophesied a strong anointing, Pastor Andy told the congregation the unprecedented things God was going to do in their lives in 2019. Still prophesying, he used Isa 43:17 -19 NLT paint the picture of what God has in mind for us in 2019.

He then began his teaching from Eph 1:3 as he continued from where he stopped yesterday.

According to him, “To Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the blessing is a promise. But to us, it is a reality.

“To be blessed is to be in covenant relationship with divinity”, he said. He shared how that God has taken up residence inside our being as believers. John 14:16 – 18. “We’re not entering into the Holy of Holies like they did in the old covenant; the Holy of Holies is on the inside of the believer already”, he added.

He then began the actual message which is Don’t allow fear. “A lot will happen in the course of this conference but one thing will mess it all up. That’s fear. Fear will paralyze you, it will hinder the operation of the Spirit in your life.”

He shared from the story of Job how that the blessing was on him, and by operating the blessing became the richest man in that region. Job 1:9 – 10. But fear brought calamity to his life in Job 3:25


“The fear of failure is not a good motivation for success”, he said. He emphasized that Job’s suffering wasn’t the sovereign move of God, but something fear brought upon him.

“Our Covenant relationship with the Holy Spirit is the main reason why we should be fearless”, he taught, using Rom 8:16, II Tim 1:6 – 7.

Gen 15:1, Don’t be afraid. “The things you’re afraid of, you won’t be able to do”, he admonished the people.

He used Deut 31:1 – 8 to explain that God gave the Israelites certain rules of engagement for battle. Essentially, they weren’t to be afraid of the giants they will confront in the land. In Joshua 1:9, God had to remind Joshua of the things Moses told him – Do not be afraid.

According to Heb 13:5 – 6, the Knowledge of God’s presence in you overcome fear.

Below are the two keys he gave on how to deal with fear.

  1. Knowledge. Consciousness. You must be conscious that you’re blessed. That’s why you keep saying it.
  2. Decision. Decide to be fearless irrespective of what you confront on the outside. “The prophecy is not a lie because of giants; the prophecy is actually confirmed by the presence of giants,” he said

Heb 13:6, Refuse to be afraid. Boldly declare that you’ re not afraid.

Ps 23:1 – 6, “The psalm is not a prayer but a confession of faith. Never forget that goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life, no matter how terrible things look. God already said he’s never going to forsake you.”

He explained further using the example of David and Goliath in I Sam 17:11 – 48. “Satan’s strategy is to introduce fear. That was what the Philistines did in I Sam 17 by introducing Goliath to the battle equation. Satan is a master strategist at fear”, he said.

In closing, He led the congregation in public declaration using Ps 91:1-16. “Within the first quarter of 2019, expect a fulfillment of what God has spoken to you. There’s a change of status for you already” he prophesied.

You can listen to Pastor Andy’s message here WAFBEC DAY 4 MORNING SESSION 2