WAFBEC 2019 (Day 2) – Afternoon Session 2 with Pastor Poju Oyemade

The convener of WAFBEC, Pastor Poju Oyemade, started by reading Rom. 8:26.

He said that when WAFBEC started, it was  to teach the fundamentals of faith.

According to him, “Every single movement always had a conference God used in pushing the truth into the earth.”

“God knows us far better than we know ourselves. He knows our pregnant conditions. As a woman can be pregnant and can’t know the full details of her child such as colour, height, weight, sex. It is also possible for us not to know what God wants to birth through us. We may end up aborting what God has for us if we don’t know what God wants to birth through us.”, he said this while encouraging the audience on the need to understand the purpose of God. 1 Cor. 2:9
While explaining the importance of having purpose, he said that purpose means what we have been elected to do. According to him, “this is the key to becoming more than conquerors.” Rom. 8:30-38

He read Psa. 106:12-17, explaining that material things can’t fulfill God’s purpose on the earth. For instance, the Israelite got what they asked for, yet they envied Moses.

He said that when you enter into God’s purpose, through it you will be blessed because the mercy of God is available. He said this after reading Rom. 9: 4-14
Below were his words of admonition; Romans 9:17

While still speaking, he quoted from Eph 1:16, saying that Paul revealed that when you get into purpose then the resurrection power comes in. Such man starts rising because God raises him.

God gets us in a place and wants us to give birth to what we are pregnant for, rather we want deliverance. God puts us in positions to give birth to this purpose. It is like how the bread Jesus fed the 5,000 with was blessed, and broken before it multiplied. God blesses you and then breaks you. Just like a woman nurses her child, but when he grows up they break (discipline) him so he can be a man.
He use the life of John, the Baptist, to further explain what he was saying. He said, ‘When you hit purpose, or you enter into the place of purpose, do not establish your own righteousness or process things yourself using the flesh. Find out what God wants to do. Spend time praying until God reveals purpose.”

“When God calls, it is according to purpose not works. Calling is free. But you have to play your part. God will teach you how the calling will take place. When God shows you things in his word, what looks great and impossible now looks logical.”, he added.  

While closing, he read from Rom. 11:4. He explained that there is a remnant according to the election of grace. These people know their purpose. They get into God’s will and their lives fall in pleasant places. 

You will have access to listen to the full message when you click WAFBEC DAY 2 AFTERNOON SESSION 2