WAFBEC 2018 – Day 4 (Morning Session 3) with Pastor Taffi Dollar

WAFBEC 2018 – Day 4 (Morning Session 3) with Pastor Taffi Dollar


Pastor Taffi read from the following scriptures as she began the session;

She then explained the meaning of Redemption, which is, to be purchased, to be bought with a price (in the believer’s case – blood of Jesus). The blood of Jesus is what has given us the right to stand and be right before God. He has brought us out of danger.

What has Jesus redeemed us from?

Pastor Taffi used Rom. 5:10 to explain that we (Christians) have been redeemed from the spirit of death.

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3), the spirit of death entered into the earth. This was one of the consequences of that disobedience. But Christ has redeemed us from it.

We were subject to sickness and diseases as a result of the disobedience. But when Jesus died, we were redeemed into divine health (3 John 1:2).

Christ has redeemed us from poverty and lack into abundance (2 Cor 9:8).

After Adam and Eve ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden, we sffered Inferiority, Insecurity and Inadequacies (Gen 3:14-16) . But Christ has redeemed us from all these, and brought us into a place of equality in God’s eyes. (Gal 3:13-14; 26-27).


God’s original plan for humanity was for both Adam and Eve to have dominion over creation but not over each other. There was not a domestic mandate to the woman, neither was there a mandate to govern to the man. Gen 1:26-29

Domination and rulership over each other was as a result of sin. It took Jesus coming (as man on earth) to model to us what service is and what love is. Not by ruling over each other nor by dominating over ourselves. But by serving. (Matt 20:25-28)

She further explained that a man is not to have dominion over a woman. According to 1 Cor 11: 3, “head of the woman” in isn’t about the man having dominion over the woman. The scripture was speaking about how the woman came out of man, how the man came out of Christ and Christ from God.

She advised that If we begin to get this area right and live it – knowing how to treat each other right and live with one another – it will help us to get into the place that God has purposed for us.

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