WAFBEC 2018 – Day 3 (Morning Session 3) with REV. MARK HANKINS

WAFBEC 2018 – Day 3 (Morning Session 3) with REV. MARK HANKINS


Philemon 1:6

Rev. Mark started by sharing from the above scripture. According to him, Philemon 1:6 confirms that there are good things in every believer who is in Christ Jesus.

He said, “You look a lot better in Christ than you do outside of Him. The moment you made Jesus Christ your LORD and Savior, God sees you in Christ. You should learn to see yourself in Christ too.” The two words “In Christ” are important. 

The following three phrases which can be found in the Bible, are the same, and they describe something you are, and/or you have in Christ.

You are to make a daily confession that agrees with who God says you are. We must believe everything that God says about us in scripture, and confess it daily.

2 Cor. 5:17

The truth about anyone in Christ is that they are a new creature. This changes everything. Jesus died so that He might help us out of any situation.

The two most profound words in the Bible are, “In Christ”. They open the door to the whole system of translation. “In Christ” means you are engrafted into Christ.

1 Cor. 6:17

After you’ve made Jesus your LORD, you become joined to CHRIST. However, you should know that there is no engraftment without a wound.

Therefore in Isaiah 53:4-5, the scriptures say that Jesus was wounded for our transgressions so that we could be engrafted into Him, and share the same blessings of Christ.

The phrase, “In Christ” appears one hundred and thirty (130) times in the Bible. In Paul’s letters, we see that something happened

Everything that happened in Christ are in the above three (3) stages.

Rom. 5:20. Quit seeing yourself as damaged, but in Christ. God put into CHRIST everything He wanted us to have.

2 Cor. 5:17 says that we are new creatures in Christ Jesus. But what exactly does this ‘new’ mean? It means something or someone made after or in the likeness of Christ. Jesus is a type of the new man. The firstborn of an unusual creature, and this is exactly what we have in our lives as believers.

Taking your place in Christ is a necessity for all Christians. Therefore, it is important for us to come to terms with who we are – In Christ.

We are identified with Christ because He took the same identity as us, and whatever He is now (after His victory against Satan) is what we are.

Rev. Mark asks, “So how can we put this new man on?” Then he answers using Philemon 1:6, which says that by acknowledging all the good thing He has deposited in our life.

Jesus passed the hardships and difficulties to release the blessings upon us, and we now have everything that God has deposited in Him. We have access to these things through the Spirit of God. Find yourself ‘in Christ’.

You confess what you believe. It doesn’t have to ‘feel’ real to you but by the confession of your faith. Once you start agreeing and confessing your faith, the evidence begins to show. It is your confession of faith (in agreement with God says) that brings you the victory.

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