The Abrahamization of Things – Pst Dele Osunmakinde Day 2 Morning Session 2

Pastor Dele Osunmakinde began his teaching by building on the foundation laid by the first morning session, where the minister spoke on Abraham. Using the opening scripture of Gal 3:5, he pointed out that two factors are responsible for the working of miracles:

When you look at Abraham, you’re seeing a robust operation of both. He also read from Isa 51:1-2 and established that what God wants to do with you, somebody fathered it, and so there’s a template for what you’re seeking. Before the time of Abraham, God was never called the God of any of the patriarchs – Adam, Enoch, Abel, Noah. But when Abraham came and opened the faith lane, God became the God of Abraham.

What God is saying, therefore, is that there’s a methodology, a framework for winning in life, and it’s available for those who are of the faith of Abraham.

Everything God is doing is connected to Abraham, and he gave a few examples to buttress that. The centurion that said Jesus shouldn’t come to his house but speak the word only was speaking from the seat of Abraham. (Matt 8:8) The rich man, in the story of the rich man and Lazarus, had a conversation with father Abraham after he died. (Luke 16:24) The woman that was bound for 18 years was loosened by Jesus on the basis of God’s covenant to the seed of Abraham. (Luke 13:12). He added that the Lord constantly brought Abraham to bear in the scheme of things. (Luke 19:8)

In his words, “you are the modern-day Abraham. As a born again believer, your default state is the seed of Abraham. And so we can reproduce after Abraham’s kind.” (Rom 4:16) He continued, “everything you’re going through is rooted in the story of Abraham. Everything has been Abrahamized. Just look at your story in the light of Abraham and you will find parallels.”

He returned to his opening scripture and began to explain Gal 3:8. He pointed out that the scripture is capable of foreseeing what is to come, and when you’re not fully acquainted with scriptures, you’re not on the faith lane. Connecting that with II Tim 3:16, he explained that we should look at your life and everything about it should speak scripture just the same way we are reading Abraham’s life as scripture today. So your life should be profitable for doctrine, correction, reproof and instructions in righteousness.

Everything you’re going through is rooted in the story of Abraham. Everything has been Abrahamized. Just look at your story in the light of Abraham and you will find parallels.

Still explaining Gal 3:8, he distinguished between the promise and the gospel. The gospel is the overarching idea and plan of God, and it’s far bigger than the promise. To Abraham, birthing Isaac is the promise, but the big thing God wanted to do with Abraham is to justify the Gentiles by faith and to father many nations, and that was the gospel preached to Abraham. What you’re believing God for is the promise, but what God is really trying to do, the big dream in the heart of God is the gospel. And so you should seek first to understand the gospel.

The moment Abraham began to play as the father of many nations (the gospel), he stopped bothering so much about Isaac (the promise). The gospel will reveal to you what God has made you and what God has already done. Rom 4:17

In wrapping up, he took a case study from Gen 14:14 -end and highlighted a few key points about the supply of the Spirit and the hearing of faith, both evident in Abraham.


Here is a sneak peek from the morning session.

Pastor Dele Osunmakinde