Opening Night with Pastor Poju Oyemade

Pastor Poju opened the session with a prayer, blessing the conference and inviting God to reveal His thoughts and bring answers to prayers.

He read from John 3:1-8.

He explained that Jesus was talking about the sound of the wind in the scripture above. 

Here are the highlights of what he said:

He went on to explain what the sound of many waters means. It’s the sound of the result that shows forth in the life of a person as a result of many waters. Job 14:8,9.

You cannot have a corner on the love of God. What you have mastered today will be different from what you need to move on to the next level with God. There are waters that you need to discover from time to time, and this is God’s way of keeping you in communion with Him.

It does not happen by coincidence; you have to be planted by the water. Psalm 1, Ezekiel 31:1-11.

He further explained that when you are planted by the waters, your multiplication is bountiful. When you come to this point, you need to understand that every progress you make is by the grace of God.

He cautioned about being careful how you post on social media in the quest for likes because it has the propensity to take you out of God’s will.

Reading from Daniel 4:21-36, he explained that growing in the knowledge of God changes the nature of the spiritual sacrifices we offer to God and how we treat people. If something is dying, with a touch of the right wisdom and understanding, that thing comes back to life.

James 3:13-18 someone who has a good understanding of the waters will not thrive where strife exists. You will need to genuinely support people from your heart.

How do you get to this wisdom?

1 Corinthians 2:5-10

God has prepared this wisdom as an inheritance for us. An understanding of this helps us to prosper in EVERYTHING. 

The waters are prophetic in nature not intellectual. You can only perceive them from the spirit. 

It takes spiritual warfare to get this wisdom. Isaiah 64: 1-5. When the waters begin to touch your soul it reflects in how you relate to God and how you relate to people.

Luke 8:5-8,13

Whatever is in your heart is in existence. All you need to do is to say, “this thing in my heart, how do I get the wisdom to access it?”. It’s not what you are taught but what you caught. You need to understand that there is water somewhere and you must grow your roots to get to the waters. Conflict is not a sign that what you are doing is wrong. We only get to the waters by pressing in. The waters are in the innermost court of God and to get there, you will need to fight your way in. 

Pastor Poju concluded with reading from Isaiah 35:1-6 and he explained that if you don’t fight and win, you cannot see God in worship. Don’t be in a hurry to give up on your journey without getting to the waters. Understand that the waters for this season is not the same as the waters for next season.

He ended the session by calling up Minister Dunsin to lead us through a time of worship.