Living in Authority

Living in Authority

Often we hear it said, that the reason we obey the policeman is beyond the uniform but the fact that we recognise him by the uniform as a representative of Government which possesses more might than we can reasonably fight (Titus 3:1). In the same way or perhaps even more, the believer is a representative of God here on earth. His Word says He has made us Kings and Priests and we are to reign here on earth (1Peter 2:9). God wants and expects us to live in dominion, expressing the authority He has given us in every area of our lives i.e.  finances, family, business, health and beyond.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus gave His disciples the power to cast out unclean spirits and heal all manner of sicknesses (Matthew 10:1; Luke 10:19). Upon His resurrection and appearance to the disciples, He announced that all power in heaven and on earth had been given unto Him (Mt 28:18). Today, as believers who have received the person of Jesus, we have the same power, the very same authority that Jesus gave His disciples then by which they did the work of the gospel and performed miracles.

Our ability to make use of this power is then dependent on the knowledge that we possess. Every believer has power and there is nothing as a powerless Christian. For the preaching of the cross is the power of God to the saved (1 Cor. 1:18) and Christ is both the power and wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24). We have an advantage in all that we do, the ability to exercise authority in the name of Jesus to accomplish results in every field, being conscious of the supply of divine energy we have through the Holy Spirit in us, and also knowing that we are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power (Col. 2:10). We shouldn’t go into business or an examination with the dominating fear of failure, but in the name of the Lord and in the awareness of the power we carry.

That said, when we consistently pray with the understanding of the power we possess, be it in English or our native language and in the prayer language we’ve been given (tongues), we make for the release of that power. For the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16b). The power is already present the believer therefore only activates and makes it effective through prayers and his words or declarations.