Day 8: Session 3 – Rev Emiko Amotsuka

Reverend Emiko Amotsuka taught on, The importance of developing our consciousness as a spirit being. He reminded everyone that although they live in a body, that body is not the real person they actually are. The real person resides inside their body, it is a spirit being. You are a spirit being.

Ephesians 4: 11-13; 1Peter 2: 2, Genesis 1:26

God because of His awesome love decided to create man so He could fellowship.
God made man in His image to be exactly like Him. God is a spirit and decided to make man a spirit just like Himself. However, this does not mean human beings are the Creator. There is only one and that is God Almighty. Man is a spirit being just like the Creator.

The love of God no man can understand and out of this awesome love, the Creator made man like himself. It is hard to understand, but that is the truth; that you are a spirit being made in the same class as God. One of the features of Agape is that once Agape has done something, it cannot be improved upon.

Over a period of time with the proper spiritual input God’s children can enter into the place where they function like God. Their mind must be delivered from the mindset that they’re simply human. Raising man up doesn’t diminish God in any way.

It’s the internal nature that determines the externalities, as a result a dog barks because it has a dog nature. If you can take out the dog nature out of a dog and put into a cat, it will begin to bark like a dog. Also, if you put the nature of a rat into a lion, it would begin to act like a rat.

God’s children must begin to see themselves as spirit beings in the class of God. This however does not (in fact it cannot) diminish the greatness of God. It is only in Christianity that man is likened to God and this is as a result of His mercy. Thus, by becoming a partaker of the divine nature it bestows that same nature on all His children. Unless one begins to see divinity as something available, the individual will continue to sell themselves short.

Just like a new born baby, an individual needs to be fed and nourished to grow and develop maturity in order to be like God.   The biggest responsibility awaiting God’s children is to develop themselves in their divinity. So although inside a physical body, this body is not the real person.

‘Spirit’ is not something spooky, it is not a ghost. Spirit has a real form and it’s not a physical form but a spiritual form. God is a spirit and has a form. Spiritual literacy must be acquired to better understand the meaning of being a spirit being in God’s class.

It is the soul that gives each person individual consciousness. Man is a spirit, he lives in a body and has a soul. The challenge we face as divine beings is that Satan has unlimited access to soul/mind.

Satan throws really bad thoughts at the spiritually illiterate and then turns around to convict them of the same thoughts. These are the tricks the devil plays and people have to learn how to take control of their soul, and how to make the spirit man become the dominant force/influence in their entire person.

Walking in the spirit has nothing to do with the physical. The recreated human spirit dwells in union with the Holy Spirit of God. God is holy; He cannot dwell with sin. When we get born again, the life of God (the Holy Spirit) comes to dwell in our body.

At every point in time, two forces seek to be the dominant influence in every person. Satan tries (through the flesh and intellect) to put God’s children in opposition to the Spirit of God. The motives within the heart determine whether the person is walking in the flesh or the spirit. God’s divine life seeks to express itself through people’s humanity. The devil also seeks to influence through the same source and so it’s essential to ‘overdose’ on the Word of God. As you do this it begins the transforming work inside. What people behold they become.

Over time they develop into the measure of the stature of Christ. What you spend time beholding, you become it. It is a spiritual transaction.