Day 8: Afternoon Session 2 with Pastor Segun Obadje

Day 8: Afternoon Session 2 with Pastor Segun Obadje

Before he started teaching, Pastor Segun Obadje led the congregation through a prayer of thanksgiving.

He went on to say that he would be teaching on the seeing part of faith. He explained that Jesus has finished the work of faith but there is the receiving side of faith and that is where the people of God come in.

He reminded everyone that Faith comes by hearing the word of God but it doesn’t end there. It begins at hearing the word of God audibly through the preaching of the word and hearing God’s word in your spirit. 

He read from Gen. 12:3 and explained that Abraham’s faith began here and God began to groom him from there.

These are the points he made (about Abraham) during the teaching:

  1. God trained his perception. Genesis 13: 15. He said that when God told Abraham to lift up his eyes, it wasn’t his physical eyes. This means in our faith journey, God expects us to look with our spiritual eyes. The question is “what can you see?”
  1. God exercised his perception. Genesis 14: 19. God sent him Melchizedek to help him exercise the eyes of his understanding in perceiving things correctly. He explained that in Genesis 18, God tested his perception again. At this point, he could see things differently. So, when these men appeared to him, he saw the Lord in them.
  1. God’s provisions are discovered. Genesis 22:14. He admonished, “What you are looking for is not missing, it has been prepared for you but there’s a seeing in the dimension of the spirit that helps you find it.”

Below are steps he gave as to how the people were to exercise their faith to start seeing differently;  

  1. Walking in love. If you do not know that God loves you, it will be a struggle to love him. God’s love for us is unconditional but our love for God is conditional. 
  1. Keeping His word. We don’t keep his commandments to earn His love, we keep his commandments to abide in His love. John 14:23, John 15:9,10.
  1. Listening to your teachers. Listening to your teachers helps you know what to do and how to do it. Isaiah 30:20, Jeremiah 2:15
  1. Stay in fellowship with the brethren. Pray for the spirit of wisdom and understanding, particularly when you are about to study or attend a conference. Obadaiah 1:17, Isaiah 25:6.

It was on this note that he concluded and asked if the congregation had been blessed from the teaching.