Day 4: Session 7 – Pastor Mark Hankins

In his last session at WAFBEC 2015, Pastor Mark Hankins taught on the The Blood of Jesus.

Romans 3:25

He using the scriptures Pastor Mark reminded everyone that as believers, we are made right with God by faith in the blood of Jesus.

To receive the blessing, the only thing necessary is the blood of Jesus. – Andrew Murray

Faith is largely dependent on knowledge. As believers find out what the scriptures teach on the blood of Jesus, they will live in the consciousness of the victory Jesus. If a believer’s knowledge of the blood of Jesus is limited, his results will be limited. As believers increase in the knowledge of the blood of Jesus, their faith will be more effective.

There is nothing in me that the blood of jesus cannot cleanse. – Smith Wigglesworth

The blood of Jesus reaches into every area of our lives bringing righteousness and deliverance.

He went further to explain how to apply the blood of Jesus as believers. We do so by simply declaring what Jesus has done by shedding His blood. In the Old Testament, the high priest sprinkled the blood of bulls and goats on every worshiper, in every part of the worship.
Hebrews 9:12 teaches that, ‘…neither by the blood of bulls and goats but Jesus entered once and for all and obtained our permanent deliverance.’ In exchange for his blood, Jesus obtained eternal deliverance for us.
In the New Testament, we apply the blood by confessing it with our mouths. We apply it by confessing how Jesus obtained victory for us by His blood. Jesus paid the price for our sin in full by his sacrifice and there will never be a problem that Jesus cannot solve. There will never be a problem that surprises Jesus.

By faith in the blood of Jesus, Satan’s power is broken and the will of God is done.
Believers should plead the blood of Jesus over their families and circumstances. Believers should plead the blood of Jesus over everything that pertains to them.

Isaiah 43: 25-26: I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake;
And I will not remember your sins.
Put Me in remembrance;
Let us contend together;
State your case, that you may be acquitted.”
To plead means to bring your arguments before a judge i.e. to make your case before a judge. As believers, the Holy Spirit stands as our advocate. He has never lost a case. Whenever Satan brings an accusation against a believer, the Holy Spirit says to the believer to bring his case to rest entirely on a single point…the blood of Jesus.

Jesus, by his blood, has received forgiveness, redemption and restoration for the believer. By His blood, He has done everything. The believer simply pleads the blood of Jesus.

Hebrews 10: 19 – 23

Pastor Mark Hankins also taught that the blood of Jesus gives us boldness to enter into the Holy of holies. The Father lives in constant view of the blood of Jesus and we must live in constant consciousness of the blood of Jesus.

As New Testament believers the blood is applied by speaking, the believer must make bold confessions of faith in the blood of Jesus. This produces a righteousness consciousness in the mind of a believer. The believer comes to God with cheerful expectation, in full assurance of faith.

In the Old Testament, the blood of Jesus was applied externally by sprinkling but in the new testament, the blood of Jesus is applied internally as we take communion.
1 Corinthians 10: 16 – The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?
The blood of Jesus reaches into our consciousness and removes guilt and condemnation. It cleanses our minds from a guilty conscience and silences the voice of self condemnation. If the blood of Jesus has the power to remove sin from the mind of God, it has the power to remove the memory of sin from the mind of a believer. As we confess the blood of Jesus, we put the enemy on the run.
We lay hold of the blood of Jesus with a bold confession. We don’t go by feelings, we go by faith. The confession changes the way we feel.
He shared a confession of the blood of Jesus.

God is on my side
For the blood has been applied.
Every need shall be supplied
Nothing shall be denied.
So I enter into rest
I have passed the test
I will get God’s best.