Day 4: Session 5 – Dr. Efe Obuke


In his second session during the school of the spirit at the ongoing WAFBEC, Dr Obuke took his main text from Ezekiel 46: 9. He pointed out that meetings like this were comprised of a mixed multitude, everyone with a different need and expectation. Dr. Efe however noted that only a handful will actually get what they came looking for. This occurs not because Gods’ power isn’t available but more often than not those that go away empty, failed to make the required connection.

It is important to note that God’s voice has to be identified in every encounter, just acknowledging His presence is not enough. Until His voice is recognized and picked out, a new position cannot be attained. God’s name is always available, it’s now the responsibility of different individuals to step into its usage (John 12: 27-31).

Shedding more light, he also shared how once that connection with God has been established it also influences the behavior of those involved. Dr. Obuke made it known that until behavior is affected and thereby changed it is possible that the necessary connection was not established.

Once that connection is made with the Word it will inform and influence new behavior. He emphasized the need for that essential contact with the Word in a way that informs unusual behaviour that bring results (Luke 5: 17- 25, Acts 22: 6-9)

The Word is powerful, we are to engage our heart with the Word to the point where light shines and it gives instructions. The Word will always produce action and it is the connection that will push one individual to touch the hem of the Master and the other to do something else.

Sounding a note of warning, Pastor Efe said merely copying what someone else did would not give the same result to the copycat. He ended the session with prophetic declarations and prayers for specific ailments.