Day 4: Session 1 – Pastor Trina Hankins

Pastor Trina Hankins began the first session of the fourth day of the West Africa Faith Believers’ Convention. With her sermon topic Praying in the Holy Spirit. Drawing attention to the scripture: “Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 1:23). She noted that ‘joy is the ‘bucket’ with which the believer draws water from the wells of salvation. ‘Joy’ in turn, comes from the Holy Spirit.

She encouraged everyone to begin and make it a habit to pray in the Holy Spirit. Quoting John 7:37-38, she noted that in the water that flows out of the belly of the believer are the Fruit and the Gifts of the Spirit. Praying in the Holy Spirit is beneficial because during this process, the mind is not engaged (‘not fruitful’), on the other hand the spirit is.

For the believer, there are strong reasons to pray in the Spirit:

  1. You’ll edify (build up) your inner man (1 Corinthians 14:4; Jude 20).
  2. Healing comes with the “rivers of living water” (John 7:38). In fact, healing is manifest whenever the river flows (Ezekiel 47:9). The healing that the Holy Spirit brings to the spirit is greater than any sickness in the body.
  3. The Holy Spirit comes with power and boldness (Acts 1:8; Acts 4:31).
  4. The Holy Spirit makes up for your weaknesses (Romans 8:26).
  5. The Holy Spirit releases resurrection power into your body (Romans 8:11).
  6. Praying in the spirit is speaking directly to God, while your mind will be still (1 Corinthians 14:2, 14).
  7. Praying in the spirit enables you to give thanks to God (1 Corinthians 14:17). Thanksgiving is important and opens the door to the supernatural. For example, Jesus gave thanks to God before the calling Lazarus forth from the dead.

Trina Hankins underscored the importance of focus, noting that resurrection power flows when you look to Jesus. This type of focus was what the Israelites who had been bitten by snakes had to have when they fixed their gaze on the raised bronze serpent pole in order to receive their healing (Numbers 21:9). The Holy Spirit will take you into a place of rest when you set your heart to receive from God.

Philippians 4: 6-7 (Amplified): Don’t be worried or anxious. The peace of God will mount a guard over your heart as you pray through to victory. Listen for God to speak. Realize that He is on your side and that the blood of Jesus has made every provision. Therefore your every need shall be supplied.

She emphasised the importance of passing the “love test.” Don’t speak ill of those that may have hurt you. Instead, let God fight your battles. You need an outflow of love and God’s forgiveness to receive God’s best for you. Magnify God, not the devil, by what you say.

Psalms 68:17: When you walk in the love of God and His forgiveness towards others, He stays at your side and fights your battles with everything at His disposal – an innumerable company of angels.

Pastor Trina Hankins closed by reminding the congregation that speaking and praying in tongues is not just meant to serve as evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but it enables believers to worship God effectively.