Day 2 Evening Pastor Andy Osakwe – Your Light Has Come

He started by charging the congregation to repeat the text in Isaiah 60:1. He explained some things about light that he needed us to know. He said he believes that God is bringing the church of Christ to a place of maturity.

The first thing about light is illumination which brings about change in perspective. He shared that the times he made most decisions in his life were the times he encountered new understandings. God’s perspective is for dominion through the agency of wisdom. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, we see that light brings about all things becoming new. Jesus took away the sin nature and not the acts of sin. God wants the reality in your spirit to also be the reality in your body, your mind, your relationships, etc. We should be able to walk on the earth as Jesus did.

He read from Psalms 82:1  and reiterated that we are born of God. Every creature gives birth to its kind, the same is also true of God – He gives birth to gods. This revelation can keep you alive because you get to realize who you really are. He shared a testimony to buttress the fact that “gods don’t die like men!” In Psalms 82:6, the scriptures stated that we are gods and children of the Most High.

Pastor Andy also read from Acts 28:1, The Message translation. He shared a testimony of how he had a lump under his jaw and he decided to release his faith by telling the lump to go. The same night, he went to sleep and while sleeping, he felt a movement in his throat and the lump fell into his hands. He explained that he wasn’t sharing this to brag or boast but to remind us that God wants the church to arise.

He concluded his session with reading from Mark 11:12-14, 20-24 and he stated that there are two ways to practice your divinity:

He closed the session with a prayer session where he charged the congregation to speak the words to every area of their lives that needs to hear the word of God.