Day 1: Session 1- Pastor Mark and Trina Hankins

Pastor Trina Hankins

In her ministration Pastor Trina urged everyone present to have such anticipation for God to fill us with power and the Spirit of faith. This power will be released so that we rise up and stand with authority before the mountains (challenges) that face us.

She let us know that faith has a voice and that we can also sing our faith too.
Pastor Mark Hankins

In the opening sentences of his message titled The Joy of the Lord, Pastor Mark reminded everyone one of a popular quote by Smith Wigglesworth – Faith laughs at impossibilities.

Romans 14:17, Acts 13:52

Any time you see the Holy Spirit in manifestation the joy in the Holy Ghost is present. The Holy Spirit is always associated with joy…you cannot get a sad Holy Ghost.

Why would rejoicing be an important part of our faith? It’s a demonstration of the triumph of Christ. When we rejoice we show that Jesus’ victory belongs to us and that Satan is defeated.

If you only knew what happens in the spirit when you rejoice then you’d rejoice every day – Smith Wigglesworth

Joy is the serious business of heaven – C.S. Lewis

Anytime heaven is taking care of business on earth means joy is present. So when you take a problem seriously, you should laugh and rejoice over it. Laughing and rejoicing isn’t trivial because it’s serious business. Laugh in the face of the devil and every challenge. If you want to start your day with victory, rejoice.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is simply activated by faith, the moment we start to rejoice.

While you rejoice in the present the Lord works in the future. Whilst you rejoice something happens in the spirit realm, in your inner man and in your body.

1Peter 1:8-9

You go from a place of rejoicing to receiving. Yet believing you rejoice. Joy is full of glory and ushers in the atmosphere of heaven. This is the way we fight the fight of faith. Joy is a manifestation of the kingdom of heaven for the Anointing is the oil of joy.

Psalm 2:4

When you get into God’s presence you find Him laughing and though you don’t know what He’s laughing about, you laugh with Him out of respect.

The Holy Spirit will have you laugh at the most unusual times. One way you can resist the Devil is by laughter. The Devil cannot stay in an atmosphere of joy!

The Devil will not challenge you over what God did last time, but rather what God is doing presently in your life.

Psalm 126:1-3

There’s joy, triumph and victory in the Holy Ghost.  We cannot meet the conditions of this generation without being filled with the Holy Spirit. Satan cannot have dominion over you, neither can sickness, sin etc when you’re filled with joy. The Holy Spirit will prompt you to rejoice in the face of challenges.

No man can doubt if he can shout – Smith Wigglesworth

Rom 4:17

It is time people learned to shout in faith. You must learn to take the victory, shout in the face of the devil!