WAFBEC 2019 Day 8 Morning Session 1 With Dr Bill Winston

In his last session at WAFBEC 2019, Dr. Bill Winston concluded his series on “The Faith That Takes”.

He started with same verses of scripture he had used throughout his sessions at WAFBEC 2019 – Mark 11:12-15, 19 – 24

His message that morning centred the story of the colt tied up in Mark 11:1 – 6. While he taught on faith, he stressed the need to untie our colt.

Below are some of the scriptural examples he used to build the case that we need to possess our possessions.

He then explained that we must understand that the world is in possession of what belongs to us, and we know they’re working for us.

When we call forth our ‘colt’, by faith, we take our possession. We own it and are responsible for managing it. As kings we speak and everything around us respond to carry out that word. “Our faith is not the one that wait, but the one that takes”’ he added.

“The ‘colt’ is going to stay tied up until you send an angel to loose it. That’s invoking the vengeance of the Lord. That vengeance is invoked by faith”, he exclaimed this. Heb. 10:30

He used Ex 3:19 – 22  to buttress the above point, saying that God told the Israelites that he knows Pharaoh will not let them go but by His outstretched arm.

He spoke about the favour of God, and how that the Israelites spoiled the Egyptians on leaving. According to him, “To spoil is to strip, to take everything”. Faith always shift the battle from you to God. Ex 14:14

He went back to explaining the vengeance of God. He used Mark 10:34 to teach that God is not a killer but executes justice and vengeance.

He prophesied that anything that tries to get in your way of fulfilling God’s purpose on the earth, will face the vengeance of God.

In rounding off, he showed from the story in John 6:5 – 13 that it doesn’t matter your age but faith. It can be happen for anybody of any age, whether adult or child.


It was Dr. Bill Winston’s last message at WAFBEC 2019, and everyone felt the goodbye tone you used while he ended this morning’s teaching. You can listen to this message here WAFBEC DAY 8 MORNING SESSION 1