WAFBEC 2018 – Day 7 (Afternoon Session 2) with Pastor Andy Osakwe

WAFBEC 2018 – Day 7 (Afternoon Session 2) with Pastor Andy Osakwe


Pastor Andy continued his teaching on how believers can be the standard according to God’s word. He read from Isa. 59:19, saying that the flood is the devil’s main method of attack. This attack is a ‘flood of words’.

He said, “Whatever the devil wants to do on earth, he uses words.  He is flooding the earth with bad, terrible, and perverted words; words of fear and intimidation. However the Holy Spirit has lifted up a standard. He raised a standard by raising the Church. The New Testament church is the standard.”

Explaining the word ‘standard’, he said it means ‘a challenge or an opposition that puts the enemy to flight’. It is similar to the greek word in James 4:7 that says “Resist the devil and he will flee from you”.

God cannot resist the devil for you. You have to resist the devil by yourself.”

He explained from Isa. 60:1 that if you have been created to be the standard then you have to be the standard. It is one thing to be created for something and it is a whole different thing to operate in what you are created to be.

He said that God, through Isa. 60:1, is speaking to the church to arise and be the standard. That is, to be the challenge in these last days against what the devil is doing in the world right now.

He admonished the congregation with the following words,

We are God’s only hope on the earth today. We are supposed to be a standard in our lifestyle. Satan is trying to set a standard and God is saying that irrespective of the flood the devil brings, the Church is supposed to arise and define the standard. We are supposed to be the voice. Satan is talking very loudly and the Church is too quiet.  It is time for the church to rise and take a stand. You should be the standard in whatever endeavor to which God has called you. We are supposed to be a standard in the supernatural.

Then he used the example of Moses’s snake swallowing the Egyptians’ snakes to show supernatural supremacy of God. He said, “We are supposed to be the standard in wealth. We are far above. The wealth of the world should be far beneath the wealth of the church. Satan knows what God is about to do and so he is carrying out preemptive attacks against the Church to weaken the church.”

“Satan is talking very loudly, and the Church is too quiet.  It is time to be the standard in whatever endeavor to which God has called you.”

He continued, using the subject of Tithing. He said that Tithing is not like sowing. Sowing is important; however tithing particularly has to do more with honour.

Despite being the standard as the church, he also spoke about submission to God. In the garden of Eden, every time Adam and Eve passed the tree of life and didn’t touch it, they were honouring  God. There must be something in your life that you cannot touch to show submission to God. When you honour God, He will honour you.

Reading from the book of second Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9, he admonished the believers saying, “It is your birthright to be rich. You became rich over 2000 years ago. In order to defeat covetousness, you should know that you are already rich and learn how to access what already belongs to you. What matters is that you are born again not how you were born. Don’t enter the rat race. Learn and operate God’s principles. You will prosper and still have peace.”

Still reading the scriptures, he used Rev. 2:9 to say that you should stop identifying yourself with your condition. Your condition is not you.

Again he quoted Isa. 59:21 saying, “Light is the revelation of who you are as a standard. To arise means to start operating in the light. You shine when you start operating in the light that you have. Light is the standard not darkness. Darkness has no power; it is the absence of the light that makes it look like darkness is prospering.”

In closing the meeting, he explained that the Holy Spirit and the Word is what you need to be an effective standard in your generation. You need a balance of both. You are destabilized without the Word and dry without the Spirit.

He said, reading Gal 3:13, that ‘The Blessing’ is the Holy Spirit. When you have the Holy Spirit, you have the Blessing. This Blessing produces fruits which are the blessings.

Reading Prov. 10:22, he admonished everyone, saying, “Let us realign our lives to walk with the Holy Spirit. He is the surest bet for you when it comes to riches without sorrow. He leads us in honouring God, sowing, in material investments and in positioning (being in the right place at the right time).”

“When you have the Holy Spirit, you have the Blessing. This Blessing produces fruits which are the blessings.”

He leads you into wealth transfer and wealth discovery. This wealth is hidden from the world but not for you. Isa. 45:2

The entire message of Pastor Sarah Omakwu is available on the church’s website. Click DAY 7 AFTERNOON SESSION 2 to purchase it at 100 NGN.