The Faith Lifestyle

The Faith Lifestyle

Faith is not a ritual reserved for specific days of the year or in specified locations like camp meetings, revivals and prayer sessions. Faith is rather an ongoing expression of our belief in the ultimate supremacy of God and His abiding presence with us everywhere we go and in all that we do. The bible says “the just shall live by his faith(Rom. 1:17) and also says we “walk by faith and not by sight(2 Cor. 5:7). It is obvious that we walk every day, literally speaking, just as we don’t wait till church anniversaries before we live. However, in proper consideration of those and countless similar scriptures, we come to know that God expects us to rely on Him for everything that we do, on all days, at all times and in all places. As believers, we believe to live. The Word of God which produces faith in us becomes the guiding compass of our steps in our occupation, finances, health, relationships, aspirations and more. We speak God’s Word to everything we do and act in the assurance that we have in His word that we will have what we say.

It is not enough to wait till we attend prayer meetings before we speak in faith to our financial, health and other needs, as good as that is. Living by faith requires that we grow our spirit through daily and constant meditation on God’s Word, through prayers, especially praying in tongues and going on to act in faith in all that we do, even in the smallest decisions at the office or in school. When work comes up before us, an active faith lifestyle helps us to believe in its success before we start, not worrying about the surrounding obstacles as non-believers would. Even when there are manifest challenges, the faith lifestyle dictates that we hold on to God’s Word for the success of the venture. We pray and speak to the situation and keep to our positive confessions inspired by God’s Word. The same applies to marital issues, finances, health challenges and other areas that we daily encounter in our lives.

It is recommended to every believer to diligently speak and act in faith always so that we can accomplish great results, obtain good rewards, and please God (Heb. 11:6). We should live and breathe faith every day!