Pastor John Speaks on The Sound of Worship – Day 5 Evening Session 2

Pastor John Hannah

Pastor John Hannah started by giving the audience a prophetic word about what they were waiting on God for years. After this, he gave praise to God and carried the congregation along in his exhortation of the Most High. He started his message proper with the book of Exodus 3 and he mentioned how the children of Israel had multiplied and how this increase caused them to face warfare. He noted that in spite of the oppression of the Israelites, they multiplied. With this, he encouraged the congregation that whatever oppression they were facing was meant to multiply them.

Following this, Pastor Hannah noted that the children of Israel cried out to God and he heard their voice. Then, in response to their cry, he called Moses to carry out their deliverance. Pastor Hannah noted that Moses at the time did not consider himself qualified. In Exodus 3:11, Pastor Hannah showed Moses’ debate with God on how he (Moses) felt he didn’t match up to the task he was called for. Pastor Hannah pointed to the congregation that in Exodus 7:16, God told Moses exactly what to tell Pharaoh. With this, Moses told Pharaoh that God had sent him to let his (God’s) people go so that they can worship him in the desert. Regarding this, Pastor Hannah commented that some of us Christians just want to get to our Canaan without crossing the desert. Going back to the point the Israelites were told by God to leave Egypt, Pastor Hannah emphasized that worshipping God was important. He stated that it was impossible to go through the desert without worshipping God. He explained that the metaphor of the desert was the uncomfortable circumstances in our lives.

Pastor Hannah then went on to mention the part of the blood and how the angel of death sent to strike the Egyptians was unable to harm the Israelites upon seeing the blood over their lintels. With this, he mentioned the power in the blood of Jesus when it is pleaded by Christians. Pastor Hannah read from Exodus 14:16 where Moses used his rod as instructed by God for the crossing of the Red Sea. He also talked about the promise to the Israelites that they would never see the Egyptians anymore and he released a prophetic word to the congregation. 

As he went deeper in his message, he read from Exodus 15:24 where the people were in need of water and grumbled as a result of their need. Referring to the Israelites’ conduct in this passage, Pastor Hannah commented that the Israelites had forgotten God as the one who had power over water after their Red Sea encounter. What God expected from them was worship rather than their grumbling. Reading from Exodus 17:2, Pastor Hannah commented that here the people began to challenge God’s authority by their attitude.

Reading from Exodus 32:1, he charged the congregation that they should never look for another god (in form of their challenges or even in their pleasures) but seek for the true God himself. He read from Revelation 4:7-8 & 10 and brought out the point of worshipping God no matter where we find ourselves. Worshipping God was what the Israelites were supposed to do instead of acting out of character. It is our worship that would lead us into our Canaan; our prayers led us out of Egypt. Pastor Hannah charged the congregation to “live in the sound” of worship as this was the sound that surrounds God in heaven where worship to him is continuously ongoing. He ended his session by leading the congregation to a powerful session of worship. 


Pictures from Day 5 evening session