Day 7: Session 1 – Dr. Tony Rapu

Pastor Tony  Rapu taught the first session on what he titled Time to Move as he stirred up the congregation at the West African Faith Believers’ Convention at the Covenant Place on the seventh day of the eight day meeting.
2nd Samuel 5:1 – 10
Many are like David in the place of limited rulership and not yet recognised but you know that you have an anointing on you to lead. You all are a generation that carry something and waiting at Hebron to see how God will move us into the next realm. We pray that God will open our eyes to see that many sitting here are designers of the pathways of God and we will move the church into the next season. The ‘Saul’ order has done its bit and served its purpose. It is time for the ‘Davids’ of this generation to move into the role of rulership and territoriality.
Hebron is the place of transition and it is put in the bible to demonstrate that God wants his people to move from one position to the other. It is time to move into the next season, the next level. You need the anointing to rule in this season of kingship. Kings reign, rule, make decrees, go to war, take territories and are wealthy. The Bible says in Christ we are not just priests, we are kings. There is a coronation going on in the realm of the spirit. God is bringing you into your kingship position. Adjust your crown and do not let anyone take your crown.
It is time to step into authority. It is time to step into something stronger. The days of weakness is coming to an end. Kings have a largeness of heart. They carry a sense of grandeur and nobility. The time has come to conduct yourself as a king. Kingship is not a possibility, it is a calling. God has called you into kingship.
Hebron is the place of anointing and recognition, where you begin to move with acceleration. It is a place where you spring into a new season. The anointing is empowerment from on high. It is a stirring, a knowing that you are a child of God and an ambassador of Christ. You are an epistle to be read by the world. When the anointing of Kingship comes on you, you can no longer stay in Hebron. You have to move to Zion, the place of strength and authority. Zion is the place where you move into the next season.