Day 6: Session 5 – Pastor Cyril Yerifor

The Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ(Part 2)


When God’s fury for the sin of all mankind was placed on Jesus Christ at the Cross of Calvary, there was darkness for three hours.  John 19:30 shows that Jesus, just before His death, said ‘It is finished’.

Hebrews 10:13 states that the purpose of the body of Jesus was the Cross.  Jesus both manifested God’s name and gave the Word to the world.(John 17: 3-8)

When He said, ‘It is finished’; He meant that man’s sin was fully paid for. Man was redeemed. Any penance for sin committed by anyone is an expression of unbelief -the lack of faith in the work of Jesus at the Cross.

Mark 15:38 tells us that the ripping of the veil in the temple meant that the reconciliation of man to God was accomplished with the death of Christ. We have equal access to the presence of God (Colossians 1:22).

Some people still deal with self- condemnation but the Word of God assures us that we have peace with God and access to Him.(Roman 5:1)

God through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ produced righteousness. The law could not. The weakness of the law was the weakness of the flesh(man).  We have to believe that when Jesus said it is finished, it is finished! The penalty for our sins was paid,and we have access to God. We can now lead a defeat- free life because of our union with Him. He took our place on the Cross.

When you think of redemption, think of purchase because we have been purchased by the blood of Jesus. (Hebrew 9:11 -14). The blood of Jesus is the propitiation for our sins.