Day 6 Morning Session 2 Dr Efe Obuke

Dr. Efe started of by narrating a story of a minister friend of his who got married and of course looked forward to having children. Eventually his wife got pregnant and gave birth but unfortunately the child died the next day. The bad news continued for up to seven pregnancies. It was either the child died after the pregnancy term or it was still birth. However, at a particular meeting, the word of the Lord came and that was how he received his deliverance as a result of operating in the priesthood office.

The Christian life is full of excitement when we touch the reality of the life behind it, he affirmed.

His anchor text was 1Sam 7:7-13. At times, God would allow us go through certain unpleasant circumstances so as to get His life manifested through us. By means of priesthood office we can negotiate the seasons of our lives. Stop looking at the wrong place, he urged; keep your eyes where the power is. This is the dimension we seek to enter – this is the place of the power of the priesthood. We have to be the right person with the right sacrifice and come the right way; this will make all the difference beyond our imagination.

He also read from 2 Chronicles 26:18. There are protocols to be observed in order to function effectively in the priesthood office. He re-emphasized that it is important that we are the right people with the right sacrifice doing it the right way.

He went further to speak about what makes the sacrifice right.

1. It must be a sacrifice, not casual one or leftover

2. It should be what God has given you; the exact thing God gave is what you should minister. 2 Corinthians 9:10

3. It is sacrifice that is consistent with your obedience to the revelation God opened to you.

How do you bring your sacrifice rightly?

Jesus has made us priests so that we are qualified to bring sacrifices. He buttressed that by reading from Revelation 1:6 where it said we have been made kings and priests. Taking the cocoa drink for example, in its ordinary form it is not exactly appealing; however, when it has been mixed with sugar and milk, it makes the cocoa drink more sweet to the taste. And so it is with our priesthood.

He pointed from 1Peter 2:5 the need to live a consecrated life. We are a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifice, and in this priesthood, our consecration is very important. The motives might not be seen but they have the potential to eat up our sacrifice.

What are the sacrifices we bring to God?

1. Our praise and Thanksgiving

2. Our substance

3. Our prayers

4. A consecrated life Romans 12:1

He read from 1Peter 2:9 and challenged that we enter into our kingly dimension whilst operating under our priestly office. An effective holy priesthood will bring about effective royal priesthood, he added. (Mark 11:24)

In conclusion, he urged us to pray. In other words when we pray certain things must happen that should cause us to receive the desire that we believed for. In a time of prayer there has to be a connection to allow you come to a knowing of what God has for you and intends to do. When you bring sacrifices to God, He’ll bring treasures to you.