Day 6: Evening Session 2 Pst Poju Oyemade speaks on Aaron’s Rod That Budded

The convener of West Africa Faith Believers Convention Pastor Poju Oyemade brought to close the 6-day event preaching on Aaron’s rod that budded in wrapping up his message on the Tabernacle of David. He quoted Hebrews 8 and 9 then went on to read Numbers 16 from where he built up the message.

He pointed out that Aaron’s rod that budded was an arm of the tabernacle of David. In Num16:41-42 there was rebellion towards Moses which is a typical happening in these end times where there is an attack on the body of Christ. In Num16:1-3, they gathered together to rebel against Moses claiming that they could do the same thing Moses and Aaron did. Moses in response incurred God’s wrath on them as judgement and expected people to change seeing God’s judgement but they never changed. Pastor Poju speaking on that said that there is a limit to cursing people. God’s judgment doesn’t necessarily change people.

He went further to reading Numbers 17. According to the text, every rod entered the presence of God but only one budded. That we sing and praise doesn’t mean we will get results, he admonished. There is something about Aaron’s rod that made it bud, and that’s what really stopped the murmuring of the people.

Like Aaron’s rod which manifested a year’s result in a day, anyone who manifests such results understands how to enter the presence of the Lord even when it seems all things are falling apart. This greatness will be so profound that people will look around and say these blessings happened when it seems you had lost everything. Such results are manifested when we come to the presence of God in a certain way.

Reading from Heb5:4—5, he revealed that Jesus didn’t glorify himself nor take the honour upon himself; it was God who called him into the priesthood. We can only worship God successfully on that which God has revealed to us, he added.

When Kenneth Hagin spoke about Plans, Purposes and Pursuit in 1987, after a session of praying in the Holy Spirit, the Lord revealed to him how people including pastors are comparing themselves with themselves. Unholy competition has led to stunted growth in the ministry today and that is unlike in the early days where each ministry is unique. You cannot enter into the presence of God on something God didn’t call you on, he reiterated.

He continued saying that people don’t wait on God to find out His plan for them first. This is the reason Paul said in Eph1:16-18 that our eyes be enlightened to understand God’s plan and purpose. When we worship God on what he has revealed, no effort on our part will be required to manifest it. The vision itself will bud like Aaron’s rod bringing leaves and fruits. He explained that the springing of leaves is when someone walks into your life and starts having a conversation with you in alignment with the promise.

The move of God cannot be pushed by man, he affirmed. When man pushes it, he eventually gets tired and lose relevance. His calling isn’t fake but people will see a declining of God’s grace in his life. When we enter into the holiest of all we see God’s hand.

He buttressed his points from Haggai1:8, Heb7:18 and Heb6:11 – end. The problem prevalent today is that people aren’t going to God’s presence seeking his face over their lives. Psalm40:1 (MSG) When we enter into the presence of God strange things happen, but we can only get there when he shows us how.

The faith message started with the sovereignty of God, but we have mixed it with positive thinking, and that’s the problem. Using the example of marriage, someone believing God for a spouse should actually go to God to reveal His plan and choice of a partner.

This hope, that is what is revealed to us, takes us within the veil. What he reveals to us is what we use to access God’s presence. God is against covetousness, we must stop trying to be people we aren’t called to be. John5:39, searching the scriptures shows us what God wants to do, then after that we enter into God’s presence. When Abraham received the promise from God he entered into the holiest of all and stayed there. According to Luke1:35, 45, there can’t be a performance of what God didn’t tell you.

There is a move of authority in the secret place of the most high, he said. When you know God’s ways everything works together. Isaiah30:15. The first step therefore is asking God what his plans are for us.

In closing, he quoted Psalm27:4-7. David’s tabernacle in essence is about going to God’s presence like David, asking for his thoughts. “Prayers provoke worship, worship provokes revelation and revelation births manifestation”, he said. We must go to God’s presence, present the work of our hands to him and ask for his thoughts concerning it. His promise of breaking forth will be birthed through entering his presence through worship over what he revealed. Psalm17:15