DAY 6: Afternoon Session 2 with Pastor Chuks Ozabor

DAY 6: Afternoon Session 2 with Pastor Chuks Ozabor

Standing on the flow of the Spirit from Dr. Cindy Trimm’s ministration, Pastor Chuks started by leading everyone in the auditorium to read Exodus 49:51. He asked the auditorium to pray using this scripture for God to send a Manasseh that will make everyone forget all the pains of the past. 

He mentioned that his sermon will be titled “The Law Of Favour”. He read from Philemon 1:6 and explained that we need to come to terms with what we have in Christ because lack of success is not about what you don’t have but what you have already that you don’t understand or accept. If you don’t know what you have in Christ, you will end up like an unbeliever.

 He went on to explain that God’s favour is an inheritance that came as a result of our union with Christ. “It doesn’t have to be a prayer point.”, he added. He stressed this with John 1:16 (AMP) and Romans 5:1,2 (AMP). “The born-again child of God shouldn’t operate under closed heavens.” He emphasized that since the heavens were opened in Luke 3:21, it hasn’t been closed again.

 These were other points he made in the course of the teaching (about the Law of Favour).

  1. Prosperity is 90% favour. Favour cancels every disadvantage in your life and changes every story.
  2. Favour is granted and not merited. Favour presents you in the right light, announces you in the right way to the right people.
  3. To favour means to endorse. When God endorses you, you start using His credibility. When God endorses you, men follow suit (Romans 14 17,18). 
  4. Favour is divine assistance. It makes angels labour for you.
  5. Any life with reproach and shame shows that favour is not working as it should in that life. It doesn’t mean the favour is not there.
  6. Favour is God’s presence, so the devil, in his best day, cannot take you out in your worst day (Psalm 91:1-16).
  7. You cannot lose the favour of God just like you can’t lose your righteousness because they are gifts (Rom 11:29 NIV and NLT).


He explained that the moment Jesus rose from the dead, we entered into the dispensation of Favour. So, the set time to favour Zion is the day of the church (Psalm 102:19). 

 He said, “What Jesus did at Calvary has eternally placed God and his favour on your side. It used to be against you but it’s now permanently on your side. God can never be against you. God can never be disappointed in you because He has spent it all on on Jesus on the cross (Romans 8:31). You enjoy favour because of who your Father is.”

 Pastor Chuks concluded by reading from Proverbs 22:1. He led people to Christ and prayed for some set of people who haven’t experienced a huge shift in their lives in the past 10 years.