Day 5 Evening Pastor John Hannah

Pastor John started his session by honoring the visionary of WAFBEC, Pastor Poju, and his wife, Pastor Toyin. 

He began his sermon by reading Psalms 42, written by David when he was in a place of desperation and anguish. He was coming from a place where he didn’t need to apply for jobs because his gift was making way for him. In 1 Samuel 17, David was brought before Saul while he was still holding onto Goliath’s head. And after that things took a turn. Just because you are anointed doesn’t exempt you from trials. The anointing empowers you to go through trials.

Here are some other major highlights of his sermon:

In 1 Samuel 19, David experienced family betrayal from his wife, Michal. From there, he proceeded to meet his covering – Samuel. You need to know that there’s a season in your life when you need a covering for yourself. But you also need to understand that your cover will not be there forever.

David was also left by his bosom friend, Jonathan. Some of your friends cannot contain the anointing that you carry. You need to be willing to let them go.

David also encountered a location issue when he had to go to Gad to live for a while. Your present location is not your permanent location. You are only passing through and while you are passing through, you’ve got to give God praise.

David also experienced a destiny issue. As someone anointed as king, he was supposed to be at the palace, but the Bible said that he left Gad and went to the cave of Adullam. When you are going through a destiny issue, make sure that you are around honest people who you do not have to fake your situation for.

What comes out of your mouth when you are under pressure? It’s time to flip your prophecy that you can no longer speak damnation but always speak life. Pastor Hannah went on to make the following illustrations:

  1. When a deer is dehydrated, his feet become weak.
  2. When a deer is dehydrated, he can’t see clearly.
  3. When a deer is dehydrated, its pores open up. When you are under pressure, you can open yourself up to demons with your fear and anxiety.
  4. When a deer is dehydrated, he can smell water from afar. And this is how you should be. You should smell your breakthrough. Deers run in packs, ensure that you are next to someone who is a true member of your pack.

Pastor Hannah concluded his session by ministering to the congregation and praying against stress as a killer. 

He invited everyone who was feeling stressed to come up to the altar and he set them free from the burden of stress, afterward, he asked the congregation to raise some sounds of freedom and victory.