Day 3: Holy Ghost Meeting – Pastor Mark & Trina Hankins

The River

The feast of fat things grew to a whole new level with tonight’s joyful celebration. Rev Mark Hankins referred to tonight’s meeting as a “drinking meeting”.

Rev Trina Hankins ministered two powerful songs: “You turned my Mourning into Dancing” and “Out of Your Belly Shall Flow Rivers of Living Water”. Indeed we drank of the river with great joy.  The river of God is filled with words, filled with utterance; it is filled with the expression of God.

So the Lord himself shall bring refreshing from His body to the church. This river which flows shall bring with it words of utterance and authority. We shall call those things that be not as though they were. Our worlds shall remove obstacles and cause new things to spring forth causing forward acceleration!

With this river shall come, joy, healing, deliverance, and great rejoicing; it shall change our land and change our scenery. This river will bring direction and accelerate the will of God for our lives such that we will go further than we could have gone ourselves. But one thing is needful; we must thirst.

We must thirst for this river by believing God most definitely has something better in store for us. As Smith Wigglesworth said: “you can have as much of the supernatural as you want”. So does Paul when he tells us to covet (desire) spiritual gifts. Right now is the time to be filled with the Holy Ghost. We must drink from this water of the Spirit. We cannot just have a thinking relationship with God, what we must have is a drinking relationship. We cannot figure out God with our brains as His ways and His wisdom are past finding out. That is why we are not called to think but to drink. To drink, our mouths must be open.

It is the Holy Spirit that brings us into the experience of drinking from God (Ephesians 5:18). Ephesians 3:14-20 should be our prayer and from this it can be seen that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the love of God becomes more real to you. The Holy Ghost will revolutionize your thinking, He will change the way you view your wife, the way you view your husband, the way you view your church, the way you view your future. You can be so filled with the Holy Ghost that your dark past or past mistakes will be forgotten. The joy of the Holy Ghost will make you forget your past. And you must know that your joy is the harvesting factor, therefore rejoice.

You drink from the river of the Holy Ghost with your Spirit, with your inner man. Drink of this river for everything that is in God is contained in it. The invitation has been issued; dive in and drink of the river of the Spirit.